The Moth Orchid,
aka phalaenopsis (fayl-eh-NOP-siss) plants with long-lasting sprays of lovely
mothlike blooms in a broad array of colors are inexpensive and widely available, ready to give weeks of pleasure in your home
or office. Simply provide modest light and consistant moisture, and they will delight you with their relative ease of culture.
The main flowering season is late winter into spring, though commerical growers today can make flowering phalaenopsis
available year round.
Sufficient light is important for healthy growth and flower production.
Provide bright light, no direct sun. In the home,
and East, West or shaded South window. In a greenhouse, about 30% full sun. Under lights, four 40 watt flourescent tubes and
two 40 watt incandescent bulbs directly over plants. Foliage should be naturally semierect, and of a medium olive-green. Dark
green, limp foliage indicates too little light.
Mature phalaenopsis need a 15 to 20 degrees F difference between light and day.
Provide nights of 60 to 65 degrees
F; Days of 70 to 85 degrees F. Seedlings need temperatures five to ten degrees higher than mature plants.
Mature plants should seldom dry out completely between waterings.
Phalaenopsis need 60 to 70 percent humidity. To increase humidity in the home, place on trays of moistened pebbles or mist
plant daily with distilled water from an atomizer bottle.
Should be provided on a regular basis because most potting media have none. We recommend Peters brand water-soluble food
for orchids 10-10-10 or 12-12-12. It can be found at Home Depot, Ace or Tru Value hardware and at most garden centers.
Sorry, Floratech does not sell pots and plant food. NEVER fertilize an orchid that is in bloom.
Should be done every 12-24 months before the substrate breaks down too far. This is best done in the late spring after the
main flowering season, using a well-drained but water retentive mix such as sphagnum moss or coconut bark. Select the new
pot size by the root mass, and not by the top size.